This feature allows you to handle all Crew Agreements for the Maritime Port of Authority. With this feature you can open a new agreement, track the crew changes, close an agreement and renew an agreement. You can also then generate the agreement to an XML file which can later be sent to the MPA.

Screen Navigation: Fleet - Others - EDI to MPA


This screen shows the summary of the crew agreement for a Vessel. Use the Vessel search tab to search for a vessel for which you want to view a summary of the Crew Agreement. Your results will be listed on the screen.


You will be able to see details such as the Opening Info which consists of the Date of Opening, the date the record was Last Updated and who it was Last Updated By. Any Crew Changes made to the agreement will also be tracked. The Closing section displays the Closure Date, the date the record was Last Updated and who it was Last Updated By. Similarly the Renewal section shows the Renewal Date of the agreement, the date the record was Last Updated and who it was Last Updated By.

You can use the links from this screen to access the Opening of Crew Agreement, Crew Change, Closing of Crew Agreement and Renewal of Crew Agreement screens.


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