Vessel Particulars

The Vessel Particulars sub module stores the comprehensive ship information of vessels managed by the users. Users will then have easy access to the vessel’s particulars, which contain the practical, technical and commercial details of the vessel. It supports information update where changes can be made; wherever applicable, whenever it is required. This is especially important in situations of new management takeover, equipment reinstallation, change of ownership etc.

Note that you may create new Vessel records and update them but you will not be allowed to delete these records.

Screen Navigation: Fleet - My Vessels - Vessel Particulars

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Creating New Vessel Particulars

To create new vessel particulars:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Vessel Particulars under the Fleet menu.

2. The Vessel Particulars screen will be displayed. Click New to create a new Vessel record. Enter the main information of the Vessel before moving on to the tabs:




Vessel Name

Enter the name of the vessel.

Other Name

Enter the alternate name of the vessel, if applicable.

Vessel Code

Enter a code to represent this vessel.


The database ID of the Vessel in the System.


The Vessel's IMO number.

Sequence No.

Enter the sequential positioning of this vessel in the Vessel Listing. For example, entering '1' would put this vessel at the top of the Vessel List.

Vessel Type

Use the Lookup function to select this vessel's type; for example, 'Platform', 'Barge' and so on.

Vessel Type Group

The vessel type grouping will be automatically populated based on the Vessel Type selected.

Vessel Group

Use the Lookup function to select the group under which this vessel is to fall.


Select the vessel's company name.

Note: You can also mouse-over the image placeholder and click the Upload link to insert an image for the vessel using the Upload Manager.

3. Under the Owner - Owner sub tab, specify the following details:



Owner Information

The Owner field is a mandatory field. Use the Lookup function to make your selection from the Owner Company window that will be displayed. Once you have made your selection, all the fields in this section will be pre-filled with the selected Owner's information that is stored in the Registers.

Beneficiary Information

Use the Lookup function at the Principal Name field to make your selection from the Principal window that will be displayed. Once you have made your selection, all the fields in this section will be pre-filled with the Principal's information stored in the Registers.

4. Under the Owner - Technical sub tab, the following fields are available:



Mgmt Type

This is a mandatory field. Use the Lookup function to select the type of management for this vessel.

Technical Mgmt Office

This is a mandatory field. Use the Lookup function to select the technical management office of this vessel.

General section

Specify the vessel takeover details, such as the Estimated Take Over date, the Actual Take Over date, the Port where it will take place and so on.

Others section

Specify the Union Due (the Union-related amount applicable for the ranks) and the Education/Welfare benefits for the crew (if this extra benefit is allocated to the crew). Then, specify the period for these amounts in the From and To fields. You may also enter any additional Comments if any. Information here is related to the Vessel takeover.

5. Under the Owner - Manning sub tab, the following fields are available:



Management Office

Use the Lookup function to select the Management Office in charge of this vessel.

Personnel Superintendant

Use the Lookup function to select the Personnel Superintendant. Make your selection from the User window that will be displayed.

Send Account To

Indicate where the accounts are to be sent after the takeover.

Vessel P-Fund No

Enter the Vessel's Provident Fund number.

Employer Reg. No

Enter the Employer's Registration number.

Employer P-Fund No

Enter the Employer's Provident Fund number.

P&I Club

Use the Lookup function to select the relevant P&I Club.


Enter the P&I deductible.


S.E.C. Cert.

Number of S.E.C certificates.

Min. Safe Manning

The number of complements recommended for the MSM.

Accom. Available

Indicate the number of accommodation space available on the vessel.

Estimate Take Over

Enter the estimated take-over date of the vessel.

Actual Take Over

Enter the actual date the takeover took place. Also, use the Lookup function to select the Port where the takeover took place.

Left Management

Enter the left management date (if applicable). Also, use the Lookup function to select the Port where it took place.

Agreement Date

Use the calendar function to select the date of the takeover agreement.

Signed With

Enter the name of the company the agreement was signed with.

6. Under the General tab, specify the following details:



General Tab:

Registry Port

Use the Lookup function to select the vessel's port of registry.


Use the Lookup function to select the vessel's flag (country) of registry.


Enter the vessel's reference information.


The IMO number of the vessel.

Official No

The official number of the vessel.

Hull Type

Enter the vessel's hull type.

Inactive Vessel

Select the check box to indicate that it is an inactive vessel.

Communication Tab

Enter details of all modes of communication with the vessel.

7. Under the Principle tab, the following fields are available:



Classification Society

Use the Lookup function to select the Classification Society under which this vessel falls.

Hull Under Writer

Enter the name of the Hull Underwriter for this vessel.


Enter or select the vessel specifications for instance, the Builder, Year Built, Length, Breadth and so on.

8. Click Save at the top-right of the screen to save all the information you have entered. You can now continue by adding the vessel's machinery information.

9. Click the Vessel Machinery button available on this screen. The Vessel Machinery screen of the vessel created will be displayed.


10. Under the Engines tab, the following fields are available:



Main Engines

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the main engine. Then enter the engine's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

Aux Engine

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the aux engine. Then enter the engine's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

Emergency Generator

Use the Lookup function to select the Maker and Model of the emergency generator. Then enter the generator's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

11. Under the Pumps tab, the following fields are available:



Cargo Pumps

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the cargo pump. Then enter the cargo pump's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

Ballast Pumps

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the ballast pump. Then enter the ballast pump's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

Other Pumps

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry.  Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the other pump. Then enter the other pump's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

12. Under the Winches tab, the following fields are available:




Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the winch. Then enter the winch's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.


Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the windlass. Then enter the windlass's Serial No and its Power (kW) output.

Click Save to save your entries.

13. Under the Lifting tab, the following fields are available:



Cranes tab:


Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the crane. Then enter the crane's Serial No.

Click Save to save your entries.

Other Cranes

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the other crane. Then enter the other crane's Serial No.

Click Save to save your entries.

Derricks tab:


Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the derrick. Then enter the derrick's Serial No.

Click Save to save your entries.

Other Derricks

Click the '+' icon to enable data entry. Use the Lookup functions to select the Maker and Model of the other derrick. Then enter the other derrick's Serial No.

Click Save to save your entries.



Editing Vessel Particulars

To edit existing vessel particulars:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Vessel Particulars under the Fleet menu.

2. The Vessel Particulars screen will be displayed. Use the Vessel search field to search for a particular vessel. The details of the selected vessel will then be displayed on the screen.


3. Edit the fields as required. Please note that certain fields cannot be edited.

4. Click Save to save the changes you have made.




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