Searching for Unfilled Positions across your Fleet |
This feature allows you to search for possible slots across your fleet that a new applicant or recruit could possibly fill. A possible scenario would be one where a Master having a Panama Master license with 4 years of PCC experience. This feature would then assist you in determining the vessels that are of PCC type, flying the Panama flag and at the same time identify whether vacant slots exist onboard these vessels.
Screen Navigation: Fleet - Vessel List - Unfilled Positions link - By Fleet tab
Searching for Unfilled Positions Across the Fleet
To search for available positions onboard vessels in your fleet: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Vessel List under the Fleet menu. 2. On the Vessel List screen, click the Unfilled Positions link. Note: You can also open the Unfilled Positions screen by clicking the Unfilled Positions link on the Fleet - Crew Planning - Planning Overview screen. 3. The Unfilled Positions screen will be displayed. Under the By Fleet tab, you can specify your search criteria to locate the unfilled positions across your fleet:
4. Click Search. A list of vessels with ranks matching your search criteria will be displayed in the List of Unfilled Positions section. 5. In the List of Unfilled Positions section, highlight a record and then click the Crew Search button to search for the crew you want to plan for this vacancy and then create the appropriate Activity for that crew member.
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