Evaluation Template Register

This function allows you to set up the Evaluation Template that can be used when performing a Crew Evaluation. This template is set up based on Vessel Types, Vessel Type Groups and Ranks. During Crew Evaluation, based on the crew member's rank and vessel type, the appropriate template with the relevant evaluation and performance codes can be used.

Before attempting to set up this template, please ensure that all relevant codes have been created in the Performance Area Register and Evaluation Register.

Screen Navigation: Home - Administration - Registers - Crewing - Evaluation Template


Creating an Evaluation Template

To create an evaluation template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Evaluation Template.

2. The evaluation templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To create a new evaluation template code, click New.

3. The Evaluation Template screen will be displayed where you can enter information in the following fields:



Crew Evaluation Template Code

Enter a code for this template.


Enter a description of this template.

Vessel Type/ Vessel Type Group/ Rank Setting tab:

Vessel Type

Select the vessel types for which this template can be used. Click the '+' icon to bring up a list of vessel types from which you can make a selection. You can select as many vessel types as required.

Rank Code

Select the ranks for which this template can be used. Click the '+' icon to bring up a list of ranks from which you can make a selection. You can select as many ranks as required.

Vessel Type Group

Select the vessel type groups for which this template can be used. Click the '+' icon to bring up a list of vessel type groups from which you can make a selection. You can select as many vessel type groups as required.

Evaluation Setting tab:

Evaluation Group

Select the evaluation group codes that will be available for this template. These are the codes that have been created in the Evaluation Group Register.

Evaluation Score

Enter the range of scores that can be entered for the evaluation codes.

Access Control by Role tab: Here you can select the role that will have access to this template as an evaluator. Use the Lookup function to select this role in the Evaluator Role field. You can assign more than one Role to have access to a selected evaluation template as an Evaluator.


You can also select the necessary check boxes:


  • Evaluator's comments are mandatory - Select this check box to enable entry in the Evaluator comment field under the Comments tab on the Evaluation screen.

  • Crew's comments are mandatory - Select this check box to enable entry in the Crew comment field under the Comments tab on the Evaluation screen.

  • Alert for Crews to be evaluated when Evaluator is about to sign off - Select this check box to prompt the Due Evaluation - Evaluation Signing Off alert for the selected Evaluator. When then Evaluator is about to sign off (starting from 14 days before the Evaluator's sign off date), the alert will be prompted to display a list of crew members that the Evaluator has to evaluate (the crew member ranks are as selected under the Vessel Type/Vessel Type Group/Rank Setting tab).

  • Hide record from Office users after submission/acceptance - Select this check box to ensure that evaluations created from the template will no longer appear on the Activity-Evaluation screen for Office users after they submit or accept them. If you select this check box, evaluations will only appear for users who are required to review the evaluations next.

  • Hide record from Vessel users after submission/acceptance - Select this check box to ensure that evaluations created from the template will no longer appear on the Activity-Evaluation screen for Vessel users after they submit or accept them. If you select this check box, evaluations will only appear for users who are required to review the evaluations next.

In the Reviewers section, select the roles who will be able to access this template in their capacity of a reviewer. Click the '+' icon to add a role as a reviewer or click the '-' icon to remove a role from the table.

Alternatively, click the Copy From option to copy the evaluation settings from an existing template.

4. Click Save to complete the creation of this new evaluation template.



Editing an Evaluation Template

To edit an existing evaluation template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Evaluation Template.

2. The evaluation templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To edit an existing evaluation template, click on an entry to view its details on the Evaluation Template screen.

3. You may then edit the details of the evaluation template in the available fields. Please note that the main Crew Evaluation Template Code field cannot be edited.

4. Click Save to save the changes you have made.



Deleting an Evaluation Template

To delete an existing evaluation template:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Registers under the Home - Administration sub menu. Then, click Crewing, followed by Evaluation Template.

2. The evaluation templates that have been previously created will be displayed on the screen. To delete an existing evaluation template, highlight an entry on the screen.

3. Click Delete. Confirm your intention to delete the evaluation template. The evaluation template will then no longer be listed on the screen.

Note: Alternatively, you can click on an evaluation template to view its details on the Evaluation Template screen. Click Delete and confirm your intention to delete the template.