Viewing Crew's Attachments


This feature allows you to view documents that have been attached to the crew member's records in all modules in the HR Manager System. You can expand and collapse the tree structure to view the attachments as required. For example, if an attachment has been added to the crew member's Activity record, you can expand the 'Activity' section to view the attachment here.


Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Documents tab - Attachments sub tab




Viewing Crew Member's Attachments


To view details of a crew member's attachments:


1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.


2. Ensure that the crew profile of which you want to view attachment details has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile.


Note: To use a previously saved list of crew, click the search icon in the Personnel search field to use the Personnel List feature on the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Personnel List section and click a crew member from the Search Result section to view his profile.




3. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Attachments sub tab under the Documents tab.




4. You can then expand the tree structure to view the attachments that have been uploaded to the crew member's records. Click the file name to display it on the right side of the screen.




5. Select the documents check boxes and then click the Send Email to automatically attach the selected documents to an email.




6. Click the Attachment(s) button to manage the documents attached under the Profile section. The Upload Manager pop-up window will be displayed. Here you can attach more documents to the Profile section or delete previously attached documents.




Note: To manage attachments that are displayed under the other sections, you will need to access the Attachment column on the respective screen and work with the attachments there; for example, the Attachment column on the Activity screen.


7. To replicate documents to other vessels, manually select the relevant documents and click the Replicate button. In the Replication pop-up window, for each of the selected documents, select the vessels to which it is to be replicated. Click Replicate. The documents will then be replicated over to the selected vessels during the next replication exercise.








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