Working with a Crew Profile Record |
Here you can edit previously entered crew profile details and/or delete entered details under the tabs on the Profiles screen.
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To edit a crew member's existing profile information: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu. 2. Ensure that the crew profile that you want to edit has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile. Note: To use a previously saved list of crew, click the search icon in the Personnel search field to use the Personnel List feature on the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Personnel List section and click a crew member from the Search Result section to view his profile. 3. The selected crew member's profile details will then be displayed. 4. You can then edit the displayed information as required. Under the Personal Info tab, you can also edit the personal information records under the Address, Family, Country Specific Information, Extra Details, Education and Misc sub tabs. For help on individual fields please refer to the topics listed below. 5. Click Save after you have completed your changes.
To delete crew member's existing profile information: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu. 2. Ensure that the crew profile which profile information you want to delete has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile. Note: To use a previously saved list of crew, click the search icon in the Personnel search field to use the Personnel List feature on the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Personnel List section and click a crew member from the Search Result section to view his profile. 3. The selected crew member's profile details will then be displayed. Under the Personal Info tab, you can proceed to delete the personal information record under the Address, Family, Country Specific Information, Extra Details, Education and Misc sub tabs. Note: Under the Address, Extra Details and Misc sub tabs, you can delete any information entered in the free-text fields and then click Save. Note: Under the Family, Country Specific Information and Education sub tabs, click a record that you want to delete. The selected crew member's details will then be displayed. Click Delete. Click Yes to confirm your intention to delete the selected record and it will then be removed.
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