Viewing the Vessel List

The Vessel List sub module consists of the list of vessels created in the System. This screen allows you to view a list of vessels and perform certain tasks by selecting a vessel from this list. For instance, you may select a Vessel in this list and then carry out a check for unfilled positions, view Vessel Manning Requirements, view a Crew List or view the Vessel Particulars.

Screen Navigation: Fleet - My Vessels - Vessel List


Viewing a List of Vessels

To view a list of vessels:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Vessel List under the Fleet menu.

2. The Vessel List screen will be displayed.



The available columns displayed are:




Vessel Name

The name of the vessel.

Vessel Code

The code assigned to the vessel.

Vessel Type

The type of vessel, for example 'RORO'.


The flag code representing the country of the vessel.


The port code of the vessel.


The pool under which the vessel falls.

Mgmt Type

The Management Type of the vessel.

Mgmt Office

The Management Office of the vessel.

PNI Club

The P&I club code for this vessel.


The vessel's current cabin occupancy.

MSM Crew Count

The number of positions of the Minimum Safe Manning scheme assigned to the vessel.

Company's Requirement

The number of positions of all the schemes (apart from the MSM scheme) assigned to the vessel.


The current status of this vessel in the system, i.e. active for use or inactive.

3.  Click the next arrow button at the bottom of the table to move on to the next page of records (if more than one page is available).


4. Selecting a particular vessel in the list will take you to the its Vessel Particulars screen.


5. Back on the Vessel List screen, highlighting a particular vessel in the list enables you to:

6. To carry out any of the above, first highlight a vessel in the list and then make your selection from the links at the top of the vessel list table.




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