Viewing Crew's Compliance


This feature allows you to view the validity of the crew member's licenses, travel documents, certificates and so on. The validity of the documents is displayed based on the current date.


Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Documents tab - Compliance sub tab




Viewing Crew Member's Compliance


To view details of a crew member's compliance:


1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Profiles under the Personnel menu.


2. Ensure that the crew profile of which you want to view compliance details has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field to search and select the relevant crew profile.


Note: To use a previously saved list of crew, click the search icon in the Personnel search field to use the Personnel List feature on the Simple Search window. Use the drop-down function to select and load a list from the Personnel List section and click a crew member from the Search Result section to view his profile.




3. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Compliance sub tab under the Documents tab.




4. You can then expand the document descriptions in the table such as licenses, medical documents, training documents and travel documents.


5. The information available under the Compliance sub tab is as follows:




Displays the document description, e.g. Medical Certificate.


Displays the status of the document, i.e. whether it is Permanent or has Expired. If the document is expiring soon, the status of the document will state the specific number of days before the document becomes expired.

Document No.

Displays the document's reference number as entered in the System.

Issued Date

Displays the document's issued date as entered in the System.

Expiry Date

Displays the document’s expiry date as entered in the System.

Issuing Body

Displays the Issuing Body for the document, e.g. Doctor.


Displays the validity of the document, i.e. documents that are valid are indicated by green ticks while invalid ones are indicated by red crosses.

Last Updated

Displays the date and time that the document is last updated in the System.

Last Updated By

Displays the user ID of the person who last updated the document in the System.


Note: Click the 'Export to Excel'  icon to export the information listed under the Compliance sub tab to an Excel file.






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