Entering Wage Market Rates


This feature allows you to enter wages for each rank. You can either use a previously created template or manually add Ranks into the record.


Note: The wage templates can be created in the Wage Market Rate Template Register to simplify the entry process. Each template will contain a selection of ranks.


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Entering Wages Using a Template


To enter wages using a template:


1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Wage Market Rate Entry under the Personnel menu.


2. Select the Wage By Manning Agent radio button to use a previously created template. Then use the Lookup functions to select an existing Wage Template and Manning Agent. The wage templates will need to be created in the Wage Market Rate Template Register for them to appear in the Lookup selection.




Note: The Batch Insert button allows you to insert more than one manning agent at a time. Multi-select the check boxes for the relevant manning agents in the Manning Agent pop-up window and click OK.


3. The New button at the top-left of the screen will now be enabled. Click New and enter information in the following fields:






Enter the name for the wage entry record.


Use the Lookup function to select a country.


Use the Lookup function to select the currency of the wages.

In Force From

Use the calendar function to select the date that the wages are to be in force.

Max. Client

Enter the maximum number of clients for the wage entry record.


Use the drop-down function to select the status of the wage record. This field is only visible in a wage entry record that has been created.


4. Click Save to save your entries. The wage entry record you just created is now available on the screen. Click the wage entry record again to now enter wages for each Rank.


5. In the Wages section, click a Rank to enable text entry. Enter the current wage rate paid by your company for every Rank listed in the template.  


Note: The System will automatically calculate the average wage rate entered for multiple clients.




Note: Click the Edit Client link to rename, add or delete client information. The Delete button can only be utilized if you have more than one client, and if there are no values entered for the client.




6. Click Save to save all of your entries.




Entering Wages Manually


To enter wages manually:


1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Wage Market Rate Entry under the Personnel menu.


2. Select the Internal Wages radio button in order to enter wages manually.




3. The New button will now be enabled. Click New and enter information in the following fields:






Enter the name for the wage entry record.


Use the Lookup function to select a country.


Use the Lookup function to select the currency of the wages.

In Force From

Use the calendar function to select the date that the wages are to be in force.


4. In the Wages section, click the '+' icon to add Ranks. In the Rank pop-up window, you can select multiple Ranks at the same time by holding the 'Shift' or 'Control' key on your keyboard and selecting the relevant Ranks. Click OK.




Note: Click the Add Rank By Template link to use a selection of Ranks from a previously created template. To use a selection of Ranks from an available record, click the Copy From Current Record link.




5. Click a Rank to enable text entry in the Amount column. Enter the current wage rate paid by your company for every Rank you added accordingly.




6. Click Save to save all of your entries.





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