Generating a List of Non-Competent Crew Onboard Vessels

This feature allows you to generate a list of crew members onboard vessels who do not meet the required competence level even when their ranks are combined. This feature could be useful when investigating whether a Crew Manager had carried out his job efficiently when making crew selection.

Screen Navigation: Fleet - Crew Statistics - Crew Matrix - Matrix Deficient


Generating a List of Non-Competent Crew

To generate a list of non-competent crew:

1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Crew Matrix under the Fleet menu.

2. The Crew Matrix screen is displayed. Click the Matrix Deficient link.

3. In the Vessel table, click in the field and select the vessel/s for which you want to carry out a competence check. To remove a vessel from the table, click the numeric box and then clear the check boxes of the vessels you don't want to include. You may select more than one vessel.

4. In the Rank fields, select the combination of Ranks for which you want to check the competence levels. Use the Lookup function to select the Ranks. If the crew members who are holding either one of the selected Ranks, when combined with the other selected Rank, do not meet the Combined Experience required, will be listed in the Non-Competence Crew table below.

5. In the Combined Experience section, enter the combined experience that is required for Years with Operator, Years in Rank and Years on All Types of Tankers.

6. Enter the Date (usually a date when the crew members were onboard the selected vessels).

7. Click Search. Crew Members holding either one of the combined ranks who do not have the adequate number of years of experience required will be listed in the Non-Competence Crew table. This indicates that even when the two ranks were combined, they would still have an inadequate number of years of experience as required in the Combined Experience section.




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