Exporting a Report

You must first generate a report before you can export it. Click here to learn more about how to generate a report. Once the report is generated, it can then be exported to other applications.

Note: Although the BASSnet system supports entries other than the Roman alphabet (in free text fields and Reason, Comment, Remark, and Description fields), non-Roman alphabet letters such as Unicode characters will be displayed as symbols in reports generated and displayed in the Crystal Reports Viewer. This is due to a third party tool limitation in Crystal Reports. To work-around this limitation, you can first export the report containing Unicode characters to a Microsoft Word file instead of PDF. Subsequently, if the same Microsoft Word file is then converted to PDF format, the Unicode characters will be correctly displayed. Documents generated in the Crystal Reports Viewer or in the system's back-end by Crystal Reports will also display Unicode characters as symbols if you attach them to emails (in PDF file format) using the system's 'Email' feature.


Screen Navigation: Reports


Exporting a Report

To export a report:

1. After you have generated a report, click the export icon.


2. The Export pop-up window will be displayed. In the File Format field, select the format that you would like to export the report to. In the example shown in the screen shot below, we have selected to export the report to a Microsoft Excel file.


3. Next, click 'All Pages' if you would like to export all the pages in the report OR click 'Select Pages' and then specify the range of pages that you would like to export in the From and To fields.


4. Click Export.

5. A pop up box will be displayed. Make the appropriate selection based on whether you would like to open the file directly without saving it OR whether you would like to save the file to your computer. Click OK after making your selection.


6. The report will then be exported to your selected file format. If you have selected to save the report, locate the report on your computer and double-click to open it. In this example, the report has been exported to a '.xls' file:




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