Viewing Travel Requests |
This feature allows you to view a listing of travel requests and pending travel requests (travel requests for future travel that will usually be handled by your travel department) that have been made in the System. This feature is helpful as it lets you filter the records based on various criteria, enabling you to properly monitor all the travel bookings.
There are four ways in which travel requests are made in the System:
1) On the Activity screen, where you can auto-create a travel request or a pending travel request when creating a new activity for a crew member.
2) On the Activity screen, where you can select a crew member's existing activity record and then select Sign On or Sign Off from the Travel Request link.
3) On the Planned Crew Change screen, where you can select a crew member or multiple crew members planned for sign on/off on and then click the Request Travel button.
4) On the Crew Lists screen, where you can select a crew member or multiple crew members planned for sign on/off on and then click the Request Travel button.
Note: Crew members travelling in the same travel pax can have different departure (for Sign On Travel) or return (for Sign Off Travel) airports/dates/time. So when the travel requests are exported to Excel, the travel requests of each crew member will be listed in individual tabs in the Excel sheet.
Note: One activity can only have a maximum of two travel requests, i.e. one travel request containing both Sign On and Sign Off travel or two separate travel requests, one for Sign On and one for Sign Off.
Important Note: You would use the Travel Request feature if you will be utilizing a Travel Agent for the travel booking. However, if you are managing the travel booking by yourself i.e. without using a Travel Agent, you would need to use the Travel Details feature instead.
Screen Navigation: Travel - Requests
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Viewing Travel Requests - Travel Request tab
To view travel requests: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Requests under the Travel menu. 2. The Requests screen is displayed. Under the Travel Request tab, a list of travel requests that have been created in the System will be displayed. These are travel bookings that will be made with Travel Agents. 3. You can filter the listing by entering specific search criteria in the search filter fields in the table. For example, you could filter the listing based on:
4. You can also click a record in the listing to open the Travel Request screen for that booking. 5. To close a travel request, highlight a travel request record which has an 'Approved' status (which occurs when all crew members in the travel request have been approved or cancelled) and then click the Close Request button. The travel request record will now have a 'Closed' status and can no longer be edited. Note: You can click the Export to Excel or Export to Word icon to export the travel request table to a Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word format. Note: Unwanted travel request records can be deleted by highlighting the record and clicking Delete. Note: Click the Crew Search link to perform a crew member search.
Viewing Travel Requests - Pending Travel Request tab
To view pending travel requests: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Requests under the Travel menu. 2. The Requests screen is displayed. Click the Pending Travel Request tab to view all pending travel requests that have been created in the System. These are travel requests for future travels that will be managed by your travel department. The following information will be shown on the screen:
3. Click an activity record in the table to view the crew member's Activity details. 4. To turn a pending travel request into a travel request, highlight a record and then click the Request Travel button. A message asking whether you want to proceed with the travel request will appear. Click Yes. The record will then be removed from the Pending Travel Request tab to the Travel Request tab.
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