To enter address details of a crew member:
1. After you have entered the Profile details of the crew member, click the Address sub tab under the Personal Info tab.
2. Enter the crew member's Permanent Address information:
Enter the crew member's permanent address
Use the Lookup function to select the crew member's country of residence.
Use the Lookup function to select the crew member's city of residence. If the city is not available in the City Lookup list, you may directly create a new City code by clicking the '+' icon next to the Lookup function.
Zip Code
Enter the zip code of the crew member's permanent address.
Enter the state in which the crew member resides.
Enter the crew member's facsimile number where he can be contacted.
3. You can also enter a Temporary Address for the crew member:
Valid From
Use the calendar function to select the date from which this address will be valid for use to contact the crew member.
Valid To
Use the calendar function to select the date after which this address will no longer be valid for use to contact the crew member.
Enter the crew member's temporary address.
Use the Lookup function to select the country.
Use the Lookup function to select the city. If the city is not available in the City Lookup list, you may directly create a new City code by clicking the '+' icon next to the Lookup function.
Zip Code
Enter the zip code of the crew member's temporary address
Enter the state in which the crew member resides.
Enter the crew member's telephone number where he can be contacted during this period.
Mobile No
Enter the crew member's mobile phone number where he can be contacted during this period.
Enter the crew member's facsimile number where he can be contacted during this period.
Enter the crew member's e-mail address.
4. You can also enter Airport Information for the crew member. Information in this field comes in handy when making travel bookings for the crew member.
Use the Lookup function to select the international airport the crew member would use to report for duty at the vessel/office.
Use the Lookup function to select the domestic airport the crew would use to report for duty at the vessel/office.
5. Click Save after you have completed your entries and move on to the Family tab.