Creating a New Crew Profile - Extra Details


This section shows you how to enter extra information about a crew member.


Screen Navigation: Personnel - Profiles - Personal Info tab -  Extra Details sub tab




Entering a Crew Member's Extra Details


To enter extra details for a crew member:


1. On the Profiles screen, ensure that the crew profile to which you want to add extra details has been loaded. Use the Personnel search field  to search and select the relevant crew profile.


2. After you have loaded the crew profile record, click the Extra Details sub tab under the Personal Info tab.




3. In the Personal Information section, enter information in the following fields:



Marital Status

Use the drop-down function to select the current marital status of the crew member; for example, 'Single', 'Married', 'Divorced' and so on.

Marriage Date

Use the calendar feature to select the crew member's registration date of marriage.

Eye Color

Specify the crew member's eye colour for physical identification purposes.

Hair Color

Specify the crew member's hair colour for physical identification purposes.


Specify the crew member's height in centimeters.


Specify the crew member's weight in kilograms.

Language Proficiency

Select the crew member's proficiency level in various languages. Click the '+' icon to add a new language to the table and then select the crew member's proficiency level in that language. You may add multiple languages in this table.

As of Date

This is in relation to the crew member's language proficiency. Use the calender function to select the as of date.


Select this check box to denote the crew member as a smoker.

Data Privacy Information

Crew Consent Received

Select this check box if consent has been acquired by the crew member for the collection and display of their personal information.

Valid To

Specify a date until which the consent is valid.


4. The Employment Information section displays company-related information pertaining to the crew member's employment. Enter information in the following fields:





Owner Company

Use the Lookup function to select the owner company this crew member falls under.

Registration No

Enter the registration number of the owner company.

Crew File No

Enter the crew file number.

Applied Date

Use the calendar function to select the date the crew member applied for a job with the company.

Interviewed By

Use the Lookup function to select the name of the person who interviewed the crew member.

Employment Type

This is a read-only field. Details displayed here are derived from the Employment History screen.

Earned Vacation Ratio

The earned vacation ratio for this crew member. It displays the number of Leave Days this crew member would be entitled to based on his number of Working Days; for example, '2' leave days for every '5' working days.


5. In the Travel Preference section, fill in the following fields:






Use the drop-down function to select the crew member's preferred airline.

Flight Class

Use the drop-down function to select the flight class the crew member is entitled to; for example, 'First Class', 'Business Class', 'Economy' and so on.

Ticket Type

Use the drop-down function to select the crew member's preferred ticket type; for instance, a 'Single Ticket' or a 'Return Ticket' and so on.


Use the drop-down function to select the crew member's preferred seating in the flight; for instance, 'Aisle', 'Window' or 'Middle'.


The crew member's preferred cuisine; for example, 'Western Cuisine', 'Vegetarian Cuisine' and so on.

Frequent Flyers Card

Enter details of the crew member's frequent flyers card, if any.


6. In the Comments section, you can add any additional comments pertaining to the crew member.


7. Click Save to save your entries. You can now move on to the Education section and also proceed to attach a photo of the crew member.





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