Competency Requirements - Requirements Setup Tab |
This function allows you to set up the licenses/certificates and trainings required for a rank applied for. When you create a job vacancy on the Job Posting screen or when an applicant selects to add Licenses and Training information on the Crew Application Form screen, the licenses/certificates and training records that will be displayed are those that you have selected here.
Screen Navigation: Home - Recruitment Setup - Competency Requirements - Requirements Setup tab
Setting up Licenses/Certificates and Training Requirements
To setup licenses/certificates and training requirements for ranks: 1. From the HR Manager main menu, click Competency Requirements under the Home - Recruitment Setup sub menu. 2. On the Competency Requirements screen, click the Requirements Setup tab and define the following: 3. In the Rank field, use the Lookup function to select the rank for which the licenses/certificates and trainings will be required in the job application. All jobs applied for the selected rank will require the defined licenses/certificates and trainings. Note: The ‘Copy To’ feature enables you to quickly copy the entire setup from one rank to another.
4. Click Save after you have completed your entries. When you create a job vacancy on the Job Posting screen or when an applicant selects to add Licenses and Training information on the Crew Application Form screen, the records that will be displayed are those that you have selected here.
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